A tree uses its deep roots to soak up water and nutrients from the soil. The tree shoots those nutrients all the way up and out through each branch to every single leaf. The roots act like a straw, allowing the leaves to drink a nice little breakfast smoothie. If the tree didn’t do this, the leaves would wither and fall off of their branches.
In our yoga practice, as we move from one pose to another, ground through your roots. In a standing pose, strongly press your feet into your mat. Perhaps in one pose, your sitting bones are your roots. In an inversion, our hands or forearms may be firmly pressing into the ground. It can be difficult, especially in really challenging poses, to take notice of our entire body. Find your roots and use them to soak up energy from the Earth. Send that energy all the way up through your fingertips, crown of your head and toes! Gather strength from your roots to feed each part of your body like a tree feeds its leaves. This is how we begin to move with intention and develop the strength and serenity of a tree.